Afrox Vitemax 2.5mm 5kg Welding Rods
Afrox Vitemax 2.5mm 5kg Welding Rods
Afrox Vitemax 2.5mm 5kg Welding Rods
Vitemax is a premium quality rutile elctrode for use in all positions including vertical downwards. The electrode has a smooth, quiet arc action, low spatter loss with good striking and restrike characteristics and excellent slag detachability. In most cases, the slag is self-lifting. The electrode welds relatively cold which makes it ideally suited for bridging large gaps, i.e. where poor fit-up occurs and for tacking. This versatile electrode, which has a rapid burn-off rate, produces smooth welds in all positions. The weld metal deposited complies with radiographic quality to AWS A5.1 grade 1.
Vitemax is recommended for welding a wide variety of carbonmanganese steels having a carbon equivalent below 0,28%. It can also be used successfully in applications with higher carbon equivalents, provided the correct degree of preheat is used.
Key Features